It’s my first blog post on my new site. And deciding what to write about is actually pretty hard without some sort of direction. Should I just blatantly talk about who I am? What my favorite color is? My favorite movie? My favorite thing to read? How I usually spend my weekends?
After a bit of thought I think the best thing to talk about is beauty. Not superficial beauty, not hair dye, or make up, or Spanx. Things that just touch on the surface. But natural beauty, the wonder that is in the details. The small things that differentiate between something looking good or fine, to taking it to the next level and making it special. The perfectly concentric circles of a ripple in a still pond, the veins that give life and color to leaves, clouds streaking across the sky over mountain peaks.
And then taking that natural beauty and using those ideas in design. Using proper kerning between letters, finding that perfect color palette, and deciding if a unique shape will be what a viewer needs to really see what a client is trying to convey. Are they holistic, are they trying to bring fear, or just make you hungry.
Good design is beautiful, even when it’s supposed to say something terrible. There is a grace behind it. Something that takes it further than you thought it could go. I do my best to listen to what my client is saying and then give them what they need to accomplish that goal. Sometimes it’s what they thought coming in, but other times I get to show them something they never dreamed of. And to see that spark in their eye, when it’s right. It’s what make this job so great.
I love what I do. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else, I have a passion for beauty, I try to find it all around me and to see it in everything I do. I want to take my clients to the next level, show them things that no one has taken the time to show them.
But to answer my questions from earlier. I am Daniel Tiller and I’m a Graphic Designer. Green. Jurassic Park. Comic Books. With friends and family or playing video games. I have a pretty good life, and I hope you do to.